Ms Kamonrat Ladseeta (K Emmy), CEO of Panya Natural, recently appeared on the Thai television show, Share Khao Sao Strong, a program dedicated to highlighting strong and inspiring women. During the interview, K.Emmy discussed the company's innovative natural products, emphasizing the exceptional qualities of Panya Natural's Golden Moringa Oil.

During the show, K.Emmy delved into the inspiring story behind Panya Natural, highlighting the innovation and dedication that goes into creating our all-natural products.
But the real star of the show was our award-winning Golden Moringa Oil, available here. K.Emmy spent a significant portion of the segment showcasing this internationally renowned product and explaining its unique benefits.
Award-Winning Excellence
K.Emmy proudly shared Panya Natural's recognition for excellence, with our Golden Oil receiving the prestigious Outstanding Anti-Aging Cosmetics Award by Nanotech in 2022 as well as our recent win of the SME Award, further solidifying Panya Natural's position as a leader in the natural product industry.

Furthermore, Panya Natural's Golden Moringa Oil is protected by a petty patent in Thailand. This patent acknowledges the unique formulation and innovative process behind this outstanding product.
The episode featuring K.Emmy aired on September 5th 2024. If you missed it, it can be found here.
Discover our complete range of natural products, including the award-winning Golden Moringa Oil.